105.1 The Block Brings Awareness To Child Abuse Prevention
April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month and 105.1 The Block teamed up with Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa to bring awareness and resources to our listeners.
We hosted a special town hall broadcast on the radio with community leaders, counselors, and ministry personnel who are all about protecting our children. The amount of support and resources offered ere amazing! I learned few things about how to spot a potentially abused child and found out some extra services Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa offer to children and parents as well. Check out a few of the interviews below.
You can still donate to CAPS Tuscaloosa HERE to help them continue their work in the community. Also, if you would like to know more about their services, feel free to go to their website.
A special thank you goes out to Pastor Freddie from Cornerstone Baptist Church, Pastor Henderson from Friendship Baptist Church, Pastor Scott Willmore from The Word Community Church, and Mary Beth & Pam from Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa & Council Woman Sonya McKinstry and Darryl McKinstry.