Any Other Tuscaloosa, Alabama Fathers Have This Issue When Alone with the Baby?
So today, my wife did the unimaginable. She left me with the baby and I had to do his morning routine. Can you say major fail?
I'm almost two years in as a father and I think I'm doing pretty good. I've learned how to give my son a bath without him screaming and crying, I've successfully fed him and played with him by myself. I'd like to think I'm a pretty ok dad.
One day it dawned on me how much my wife actually does with our son. When I leave in the morning, he's either still sleeping or just waking up and had his first diaper change of the day. Whenever I come back home, he's already had his bath and he's just ready to eat and play with daddy as soon as I walk through the door. Recently my wife did the unthinkable. She left the house at around 6 am and left me to do his whole morning routine. How could she?!
I thought it would be a breeze since she left detailed notes on what to do and how to do it. I was all good until it came to combing his hair. Sounds simple right? Not with my son.
He's really not the problem, it's his hair. It's thick and long and I don't know how to tame it. My wife makes it look so easy when she does it.
I got him dressed, brushed his teeth, and spent about 45 minutes trying to master combing his hair. On a scale of 1-10, I'd say I was about a 4. SMH!
Tuscaloosa dads, do you all have this problem? What is your biggest struggle when left alone with the kids?

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