Be The Hero: Inform Someone You Know About Today’s Severe Weather Threat
The National Weather Service in Birmingham is asking us all to "Be the HERO in your family by sharing important weather info (from a reliable source) with those less-informed. You could be the only warning they get!"
Today there is a threat for severe weather here in West Alabama and you'd be amazed at how many people don't know until it's too late. When people like you step up and share important information from reliable sources, you could very well be saving a life.
If you could save a loved one's life, would you do it? IT's a simple as spreading important information on severe weather. Don't think, "Well I heard about it, so I know they heard about what's going on." You never know. Be safe now and inform your loved ones. It's better than being sorry you didn't let them know when you had a chance.
All day long we're updating you on the radio and our station's app so you can be the hero in your family and inner circle. Did I mention that the app is completly free?!
You can also sign up for TuscALERT, a free service from the Tuscaloosa Emergency Management Agency and the Cities of Tuscaloosa and Northport. Do your part, and make sure those you are about are informed with information from reliable soruces. Don't be afraid to be te hero.
(Source) Click here for more information from the National Weather Service in Birmingham.
<em><strong>Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa's Operation Storm Watch is brought to you by <a href="">Safe-T Shelter</a>. Visit their website <a href="">here </a>to see their selection of residential and commercial safe rooms and storm shelters. To contact a Safe-T Shelter representative, <a href="">click here</a> to visit their Facebook page. </strong></em>