Central High School Senior Organizes Peaceful Protest
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 the SCLC/NAACP Worldwide Youth Coalition March will take place at Government Plaza at 5:30 p.m.
In the wake of the death of George Floyd, many have been speaking out about the racial injustices in America and police brutality. Protests have been happening all across the country but many have asked how the younger generation feels and what are they going to do? Zyler Wilson, a soon to be Central High School Graduate decided to do something about the lack of representation with the younger generation here in Tuscaloosa. He began planning a protest targeting the youth and has quickly gained traction and support. Co organizers LaBoris Perry and Qu’Ran Hodges also joined to help the cause. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference and NAACP have gotten behind this young man and are in full support.
Zyler wants to encourage the youth to stand up and show the positive effects of coming together and let them know they too can join the movement in a peaceful way. I've witnessed his passion for justice first hand through his live Facebook videos encouraging his peers to get active and let their voices be heard. It's really moving to witness at such a young age. The Worldwide Youth Coalition March will feature SCLC President Dr. Charles Steele Jr as a guest speaker and the march will be led by Rev. Paul Sanders, Jerry Carter, and Zyler Wilson. Drinks will be provided and the march will be live-streamed as well.
I can't describe how proud I am of not only Zyler, but the youth in the Tuscaloosa community. Zyler is scheduled to graduate from Central High School on June 11th, 2020, and will attend Alabama State University this fall.
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