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I hear something about a pirate. I picture Jack Sparrow.

22. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006)

I know I’m not the only one.

This story, though, involves a different kind of pirate, so you might try to block Mr. Sparrow out of your mind for a moment or two.

One thing I can wrap my head around is how incredibly funny every single comment is in relation to this pirate. And I’m not just talking about booty jokes. There is some good stuff in these comments and you must check them out.

So sit back relax and maybe get some popcorn ready for this one!

Some agreed.

Rusty Perry said.... I feel your pain, man. I was once fishing on a lake in Texas and I heard there were some guys fishing in Louisiana. I mean there's 50 states out there. Why y'all gotta crowd into the state next to me. Geez...

Some folks call BS.

Sean Smith said... Man that’s some whining right there. You’re fishing out off the bluff, he’s fishing right up on it. Ya’ll need to chill and just fish. You add way too much stress to this game.

Patrick Reid agreed... Someone call the waaaaambulance.
Then there was one reply that made the most sense.
Kenneth Boddie replied to Sean Smith.... I used to fish that lake, There's plenty of lake and fish for everyone. That may have been his favorite spot but you wait and stay clear of another boat. I have trolled up within talking distance. Chatted awhile asked if they mined. If they did, Then I would keep it moving. In my younger days I would have put the largest lead sinker on my line and made a few casts at him and his boat. If he said anything I would let him know I have some lead that moves faster and straighter than a cast.
Some comments are just funny.
Juston Manis said... The amount of people that don’t know this is a joke is hilarious 😂 people don’t know what sarcasm is anymore.
Ronnie Kirkland said.... Bass fishing has more damn drama than a soap opera

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