Alabama Fast Food Chain Blatantly Asking For Tips
To tip or not to tip, that has become a topic of debate lately. Now, I will start by saying some of you may be angry, but read the whole story before you attack me.

My morning Starbucks run has gotten me all out of whack. Now, I will say this doesn’t happen every time I’m at Starbucks, but the majority of the time I am asked “would you like to leave a tip?” as the tip jar is shoved in my face before my iced vanilla latte.
Now please explain to me when did it become customary for anyone to tip in a fast-food drive-through? Now if I sat inside, ok maybe, but come on…this has gone overboard!
Do you tip for that Whopper, Big Mac, or those soft taco Supremes?
I would bet the answer is no.
I place the order via the app, so you don’t have to tap on your screen to enter my order. I pay for my order via the app so you don’t have to touch my money or credit card.
I have just completed half of your job! The other half of your job is to make my drink and hand it to me, yet you feel I should tip you?
Why? I was not served multiple courses at your drive-through window.
I know that servers may not be paid what they deserve, but honestly, when you shove that jar in my face, my answer will be no!
I ordered one coffee, not tip-worthy in my opinion. If I had an order for the entire office, that would be tip worthy. When I go to a few of my favorite restaurants, yes I tip and I believe I tip well.
As a server, you run around taking care of me. I can bet that I will see you a minimum of 4 times during my meal. That’s a lot of face-to-face time. Versus the barista that I see for less than 30 seconds.
I suppose my thoughts are this, if you spend less than 30 seconds total of your time serving me, please do not shove that jar in front of me.
As a paying customer, it is my choice to make regarding your “tip”. The more you try to guilt your customers, the more of us will say no or tap the no-tip button!
Tipping is not mandatory. As defined by the IRS, “Tipping is something that is optional or extra and only the customer determines”. So my tip will be based on your customer service, and when the “jar” comes out my “wallet” goes back in my pocket…
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