January 1 is around the corner. Not only is that the start of a new year, but it’s also supposed to be the start of alligator mating season.

Well, at least one type of gator mates in the Fall and Winter when the weather is a bit cooler but not freezing.

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An alligator in Lake Charles, La.
Philip A. Guillory (Big Boy Chill)

I don’t believe that the alligators in Alabama got that memo.

These animals are not usually extremely aggressive, well that’s what I have read, but when mating season begins they become very territorial.

Storyful News, YouTube

Let’s look into what we have in store because they began mating season earlier this year. Yes, Alabama families have pets that have gone missing already and the growl of an alligator looking for a mate is unmistakable.

Storyful News, YouTube


People say that the winter weather we have had this year was not a normal winter. It was a mild one compared to others we have had.

Kim Joiner, Facebook

Well, that milder winter has brought out the bigger gators to begin seeking a mate. I guess getting a jump on your competition is a smart idea.

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What alligators do is claim a territory. They fight for the area and chase out any males in that area. Which is why they become more aggressive during this time.  Come summertime, around the month of June, they begin to allow females into that area. Now since they have started earlier this year does that mean the females will begin to look for a male in May?

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The growl of an alligator is scary enough to make me bolt in the opposite direction. So remember if you see or hear an alligator near you, stay away from that area. If you are near water, they say to stay at least 25 feet away from that body of water. Alligators won’t go after us humans, but your pets make a tasty snack.


Family pets have already gone missing, and many are hoping it is not because of an alligator.

It's very easy to find articles and stories of pets being taken by alligators in Alabama in the past few years.  So let’s be proactive and keep not only ourselves but our fur babies safe also.

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