Let me start off by saying, my wife and I love live music. Also, maybe she was onto something when she decided the kids should go to this concert.

The Setup

Here I am at work on a normal Friday afternoon. My wife, who loves concerts and who'd asked me about seeing this particular artist, sends me a text. The text was a screenshot of a concert in Birmingham that evening and she'd circled the detail about all ages being allowed at the show.

I saw the text and immediately said to myself, "There is NO WAY I'm taking our kids to a concert at this age."


We have a toddler who is 2 years old and a newborn infant who is 5 months old. There is nothing in my mind that would make me think to take our kids to a concert. How would that even work?!

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So I leave the studio Friday evening to head home, help my wife get the kids dressed and leave for Birmingham. The doors opened at 7p but we were just determined to get there close to 8:30.

All parents know that one of the hardest things to do is just get out of the house with kids. Add on my nervousness about taking the kids to the concert and the torrential rain that evening, safe to say we ended up being there later than 8:30.

There were no parking spaces close to the venue and the rain just kept falling.

After driving down the same 2 streets for 45 minutes, I finally parked somewhere and we were off to the concert.

The Concert

We walk up to the doors of Iron City Bham and I was so nervous. Even though online said that all ages were welcome, I was just sure they wouldn't let us in with an infant.

Sure enough, we get in and I looked at my son's face and all the nervousness left me. He immediately started having the time of his life. Dancing, singing, clapping, and waving at strangers, he really enjoyed his night.

At one point, my wife was holding both kids singing and dancing the night away.

At first, it felt like everyone was staring at us like we didn't belong and shaming us for having kids with us. After a little while, non of the looks mattered. It was all about my family and I enjoy the show together which we did.

Soon, people started coming over and smiling at the kids, saying that seeing the kids made their night. It ended up being an amazing time.

Thank you to the amazing staff at Iron City Bham for being so kind. At one point they come and gave my wife a chair because she was holding our 5-month-old daughter. It was really sweet.

Also, shout out to my extraordinary wife for even having the idea to take the kids and pushing me to be brave enough to do it with her. I'm ready for the next family concert now!

Would you take kids that young to a concert? What are your thoughts? Let me know at DreDay@1051TheBlock.com.

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