Northport Drive-Thru Living Nativity
Northport Drive-Thru Living Nativity
Growing up in Florida, you had to create the magic of Christmas with decorations because we did not have any seasonal changes for “winter.” I grew up in a section of Pompano Beach that was considered the “older” part of the city, and that came with long-standing traditions of holiday home decorations. A few blocks from my house was neighbor that went ALL OUT with lights and decorations and even featured on the weekends a live nativity scene. We would walk down every weekend and I was captivated by the live nativity; it was like magic to me.
So, I was super excited to discover on Facebook about a “Drive-Thru Living Nativity” this Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Remnant Worship Center at 12170 North River Lodge Lane in Northport, Alabama 35475. The Facebook Event page invites you to “Come celebrate the Christmas season with us as you see where it all began - Let The Christmas Story Come to Life! Come drive thru the street of Bethlehem and come in contact with the villagers, live animals, angel choir, and The Manger all while sipping hot chocolate and eating cookies! Everything is FREE! Merry Christmas!”
Here is the Eventbrite link too > https://www.eventbrite.com/e/drive-thru-live-nativity-tickets-81817370959?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Happy Holidays - @MaryKRadio

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