
This Is The Most Violent City In The State Of Alabama
This Is The Most Violent City In The State Of Alabama
This Is The Most Violent City In The State Of Alabama
I wish violent crimes were not an everyday occurrence in Alabama. Wish in one hand, and, well, you-know-what in the other hand....and see which one fills up first. As we get ready for a new year, the violent crime statistics are released for review. This research is from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting stats on violent crime and property crime.
Tuscaloosa Police Officers Awarded The Medal Of Valor
Tuscaloosa Police Officers Awarded The Medal Of Valor
Tuscaloosa Police Officers Awarded The Medal Of Valor
I really love reporting stories like this one. Police officers have thousands and thousands of interactions each day across Tuscaloosa and the USA. So often, these men and women do something great for us citizens. Most of the time, these great stories are never reported.