Top Ten Scholars Honored By Tuscaloosa City Schools 

Tuscaloosa City Schools put on a great event for it's 3 high schools in their district. They recognized the top ten students in each school's graduating class.

Paul W. Bryant, Central, and Northridge High schools' top ten graduates were all honored today at their respective schools. Each student received a yard sign in their school colors, a bouquet of balloons, customized cookie treats, a graduation cap, and medallions. The joy on the face of the scholars made my heart so full. All of the studying, discipline, and support from family members has paid off in a major way. Not only are these students graduating, but they are in the top ten of their entire school!

The scholars were greeted by members of their school's administration team as well as Tuscaloosa County Schools Public Relations Coordinator Lesley Bruinton. Before they received the generous mountain of gifts and awards, Tuscaloosa City Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael J. Daria gave each top ten class some heartfelt words of encouragement and appreciation. These students are moving on to another phase of life, but Suprerindentent Daria didn't want them to overlook all of the hard work it took to be in the top ten of their respective schools.

After receiving their gifts and awards, the top ten students received a personal mini photoshoot with family members in attendance and they will have their picture on a digital billboard in Tuscaloosa!  TCS knows how to celebrate its scholars. I can only imagine the pride these students felt as they were celebrated today, and it's well deserved. As you're driving around town, be on the lookout for these digital billboards celebrating the hard work of these young scholars.


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