Alabama K-12 Schools Show Over 50% Increase In COVID Cases
Alabama K-12 Schools Show Over 50% Increase In COVID Cases
This isn't great news at all. COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Alabama.
According to ABC 33/40, Alabama’s K-12 school systems are reporting a 50.7% increase in new COVID-19 cases since last Friday. The Alabama Department Of Public Health Dashboard reported 1,056 cases in Alabama K-12 schools. This week, a total of 1,592 cases were reported.
I can only imagine how parents feel during this unusual time. Having to choose between in-person or virtual learning is already hard enough. Seeing things like this would just make me uneasy. My heart goes out to the parents who have no choice but to send their kids to school because they have to go to work. It is to be noted that it's not specified in these cases were infected while at school facilities.
As of November 13th, 2020, Alabama has a total of 213,617 reported COVID-19 cases. there have been 1,440,875 tests administered. This is all according to the Alabama Department Of Public Health Dashboard.
With all of this information surrounding COVID-19 here in Alabama, I wonder how the public feels.
Does this make you extra cautious when going to the store, or even sending your kids outside for whatever reason? Luckily, I have a 9-month-old so I haven't had to deal with those very tough decisions when it comes to children and Coronavirus.
With whatever you decide to do with your family, I hope you'll stay safe. Continue to wash your hands, wear masks, and use hand sanitizer. We're still not completely in the clear when it comes to COVID-19 in Alabama.

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