Grace Presbyterian Church Holds Tuscaloosa Jail Mask Drive
The pandemic has made us acquire new gear to protect ourselves daily. Masks are now the new norm. But could you imagine being locked up and have little no access to be able to buy or change your mask? The inmates in the Tuscaloosa County Jail experience it in real time daily.
One local church in Tuscaloosa wants to ensure that inmates receive masks daily at the Tuscaloosa County Jail. The Grace Presbyterian Church is holding a mask donation campaign to collect surgical masks for people incarcerated at the local jail. The Tuscaloosa County Jail only gave one mask upon arrival at the booking desk at the jail facility. The facility recently changed its policy to giving inmates surgical disposable masks now on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Grace Presbyterian Church wants to assist in changing the policy by collecting enough masks to give to the jail population daily during the pandemic. The COVID-19 virus has spread and the local jail is a hot spot for the virus to spread. A local protest held in December brought light to the situation at the jail by asking them to release data and to help ensure better safety procedures for the inmates and staff at the county jail.
You can help by donating disposable surgical masks by dropping them off at the Grace Presbyterian Church located at 113 Hargrove Rd Tuscaloosa. If you cannot drop by you can buy from the wish list on Amazon and masks will be sent to Grace where they are collecting masks. Masks need to be in the color white and disposable surgical masks.
For more information visit gracetuscaloosa.org or search for the Grace Presybterian Church on Facebook.

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