Heathen Harms Beloved Forest Lake Duck in Horrible Hit and Run
If you're from Tuscaloosa (or have lived here for any amount of time), you know that the Forest Lake community is home to a crew of darling ducks.
These little baddies run the streets. You can see them at Cookout begging for fries or waddling everywhere from Bed Bath and Beyond to Monnish Park. They may not be the most gorgeous ducks, but they are OUR ducks. They are TUSCALOOSA's ducks, and some idiot had the AUDACITY to hit one and drive off without stopping.
The incident was detailed in a post to the Alabama Student Ticket Exchange on Facebook.
Who could be so heartless as to hit one of these ducks and just dip without stopping to see if the little lady (or dude) was okay?
I was not there to witness the event and give you more details but Y'ALL. We can't let people hurt our ducks.
I mean, look at them.
Sigh. So precious.
I am 100 percent serious when I say that the REAL Tuscaloosans know these ducks are royalty.

The Forest Lake Ducks are ANGELS and deserve to be treated as such. Y'all remember to SLOW DOWN when you're zooming down 15th Street because I cannot and will not tolerate losing one of these beaked babies because you don't know how to drive.
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