A local mother is counting her blessings this evening.

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Back to school after spring break is hard for everyone, so one local mom decided to take her child for a refreshing treat. What child doesn’t like a frozen treat, I mean after a rough week I could use a treat too.

Ice Cream

While driving home from Baskin-Robbins in Birmingham the unthinkable happened to Ethel Baker and her young daughter Sherry.

Getty Images for Baskin-Robbins
Getty Images for Baskin-Robbins

We all hear about things found in our pre-packaged foods. A certain amount of "yuckiness" is permitted… Think about our Valentine's Day Candy, the FDA allows approximately 60 insects per 100 grams of chocolate. That’s an acceptable amount of yuck for them… And who could forget the DEAD RAT a couple recently found in their take-out food.

Getty Images
Getty Images
Valentines day with red roses, wine and chocolate

Okay, now how about the food we get at restaurants? Yes, they are better than that freeze-dried canned junk we find on supermarket shelves, but not as wholesome as home-made.

We have all seen or heard horror stories of bugs, but what about other items? The internet has not disappointed me will horror stories of the “extras” that people found in their meals. One person found a bag of methamphetamine in their food. The fast food worker in that incident was arrested.




Another couple found an opioid in their nachos! Well not the nachos themselves, but in the sour cream for their nachos!  The female stated, “I got the fork and I kind of started pressing on it and it was hard, I was expecting to just relax and eat and then I see a pill inside my food.” The restaurant manager offered the customers a $10 food credit towards their check…wow!


One person placed a curbside order and when he reached into his bag he found a business card and some Fruit Loop and Rice Krispie treats. Once he read the card, he was grateful his child wasn’t in the car because those are edibles! He was not the only customer that received a “free” extra in their to-go bags. There were 5 customer complaints regarding the edibles found in Red Robin’s to-go orders.


One parent got a kid's meal for their child and the cheeseburger had more than just cheese. Wrapped up with the cheeseburger was an ecstasy pill. That parent went straight to the police and when the police showed up at the restaurant and searched the employees, one employee was found with ecstasy pills on them.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Imagine sitting down in a restaurant to eat and finding yourself and 30 other customers in the emergency room later that evening. Hospital tests confirmed that the patron's food was laced with THC.

Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone

Here’s one that can beat the THC lacing, one Chinese restaurant owner decided that instead of improving his recipe to keep his customers happy, he laced the food with opium. That’s one way to add some flavor to your food! When the police questioned the owner, he openly admitted to the police about lacing the food with opium.


Now back to our local mom here in Alabama.  What was found in her child’s ice cream? I’m not talking about the sprinkles or the whipped cream. They had just left Baskin-Robbins 3 or maybe 4 minutes before hitting the road when her child began to scream “there’s a PILL in my ice cream…THERE'S A PILL IN MY ICE CREAM!

Alt 101.7 Townsquare Media
Alt 101.7 Townsquare Media

In a panic Ethel immediately pulled over. OH NO! Sherry, her 6 year old child was in tears, traffic was flying past her vehicle, and she was in panic mode!

Driving Drunk: Car Models with the Most DUIs
Getty Images/iStockphoto

What’s in my child’s ice cream? Well, the results may shock you! After all the horror stories I found for you guys, this one will go into the record books.

Ice Cream Truck
Getty Images

As our mother began searching for the pill in the ice cream and not finding one her gut sank! Did her child eat it? She asked her child where the pill is… Did you swallow it? Her child, with tears still in her eyes, said “Mom, look they are all right there!” The mom instantly looked down, there were about 30 pieces of little pink objects that looked like pills mixed into the ice cream!


That moment of fear turned into laughter. What her child failed to realize is that the bubble gum flavored ice cream does contain bubble gum pieces! Once she explained to her daughter that the flavor she picked would contain pieces of gum, the tears immediately turned to laughter.

groceriesahead.com - Baskin Robbins
groceriesahead.com - Baskin Robbins
Alt 101.7 Townsquare Media
Alt 101.7 Townsquare Media

So mom and daughter sat on the side of the road laughing as the ice cream treat melted on the shoulder.  So be careful, extra calories are on the menu when it comes to ice cream!

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