Tuscaloosa, Alabama Is Searching For It’s Next Christmas Parade Grand Marshal
Three things. There is still a pandemic happening across the globe, we're all grateful that college football is back, and Christmas is right around the corner!

Before you know it, people will be tossing their Halloween decorations, and hanging Christmas lights all over. Are you ready for the holiday season?
The West Alabama Christmas Parade is approaching and Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation is seeking nominations for the parade Grand Marshal. The parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on December 6, in downtown Tuscaloosa.
Nominations may be made by any interested individual or group through hand delivery, email, or mail. Nominations will be reviewed, and a Grand Marshal(s) selected by a committee comprised of community representatives. Decisions made by this committee are final.
To qualify as a Grand Marshal, nominees must meet the following criteria:
- Significant community contributions
- Lifetime achievements with a lasting community impact
- Career accomplishments
The deadline for receipt of completed Grand Marshal Nomination forms is October 4 at 5 p.m. Nomination forms may be obtained by visiting any PARA Activity Center or https://www.tcpara.org/west-alabama-christmas-parade.
I can think of plenty of iconic figures and people that would make excellent Grand Marshals.
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