Workplace Safety Highlighted Today: Workers Memorial Day
Most occupations outside of clerical positions contain an amount of possible hazardous conditions, which is why safety procedures are necessary. However, even when proper procedures are followed, sometimes things still go awry.
Today, Workers Memorial Day is observed.
According to the AFL-CIO, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act 50 years ago and the Mine Safety and Health Act over 40 years ago, promising every worker the right to a safe job. However, each year, thousands of workers are killed and millions suffer injury or illness because of their jobs. Source.
We're seeing more of the latter these days as those healthcare professionals who are working COVID-19 units are seeing greater rates of infection, but in West Alabama, we are aware of the serious nature of workplace safety as the September 23, 2001 collapse at Jim Walter Mine Number 5 in Brookwood remains embedded in our memories.
April 28 is the date marked to remember those who have died on the job and to renew the fight for safe jobs.
Let this day be the one where you renew your commitment to safety on your jobs as well.