Classic Walker County: Burglar Caught after Taking Crime Scene Selfie
A Walker County burglar is behind bars, and the way law enforcement officers caught this criminal is absolutely hysterical.
The Walker County Sheriff's Office says certified genius Gregory "Nathan" Miller was involved in the robbery of the Goodsprings Chevron on February 26th. The gas station was robbed at gunpoint, and officers were able to quickly identify that Miller was involved along with another man, Alonzo Johnson.

Investigators brought Miller in for questioning and then released him while they continued to look into the robbery. A handgun was confiscated from Miller at this time.
Officers were able to arrest Alonzo Johnson on March 3rd, and soon after they issued a warrant for Miller's arrest.
Law enforcement officers became aware of a robbery on Duncan Road on February 26th--just hours before the Chevron was robbed. Among the items taken from this home was the handgun officers confiscated from Miller.
I know this all sounds pretty run-of-the-mill, but you have to wait for the best part, okay?
Officers also found that after the burglary, Miller changed his Facebook profile photo to a selfie he allegedly snapped INSIDE THE HOME HE WAS BURGLARIZING.
I am NOT making this up. This obvious MENSA member took a selfie AT A CRIME SCENE while HE WAS LITERALLY COMMITTING SAID CRIME and then made it a PUBLIC photo for everyone to see.
W O W.
Please join me in laughing at the post below from the WCSO, and remember kids: don't do crime (or take photos of yourself committing it).
Sometimes criminals are pretty smart. Other times, criminals aren’t as smart. This story definitely falls into the...
Posted by Walker County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, March 17, 2021
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