One thing about me, I like my sleep. However, I sleep “lightly.” This means I hear everything. Some even say, I can hear a pin drop. I’ve been told the reason for this light sleeping habit is because my parents were deaf, and growing up I was the “ears” of the household. I think that theory sticks.

I don’t have the type of life in that I can silence my phone when I go to bed. If you get to do that, consider yourself lucky. If it is an emergency, I don’t mind waking up, call me, or text me, I’m there for you. However, do not wake me for some nonsense.

Here is where I get mad.

I’ve been getting my sleep interrupted at odd hours with intrusive scam-type text messages from total strangers. Now, not all the scam texts come while I’m sleeping, some during the day. But, the ones that wake me up to have me in a complete rage. Has this happened to you?

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Apparently, scamming text messages are on the rise across the county even here in Alabama. Be on the lookout for these scams and don’t get caught up. Protect yourself and your information.

Here is my collection of scam text messages. My advice is when in doubt do not click on any links that appear to be inaccurate and don’t call the number either.

Here is what I have been hit with over the past 2 weeks.

Aggravating Invasive Scam Text Messages

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