Alabama Power of Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This time every year, the women sports of Alabama decks out their uniforms in bright pink. This is to share awareness for Breast Cancer, and what better way to do this then wearing the colors that represents this.
This tradition goes back to 2005, and all started with the former UA gymnastics coach, Sarah Patterson. Patterson said at the time of the Power of Pink's inception, "I realize that I am very lucky, not only to be healthy, but also that I have access to excellent medical care. Not everyone is so fortunate, and I wanted to do something that would help those who need it most."

Patterson also chose the meet against Auburn on Feb. 4, 2005 to be the first of many Power of Pink and told everyone to mark their calendars and said, “Think Pink, Wear Pink.” And from that day on, the Power of Pink events spread across the nation and into sports in the years since.
Its all started with gymnastics and it has spread to soccer, volleyball, women’s basketball, and even swim and dive. This movement has started such an amazing thing that has brought so much attention to an illness that so many women and men suffer from. While also bringing together so many athletes and sports alike.
This month of October is a great time learn, and help bring awareness to this not yet curable illness, and remember the Power of Pink fights on.