Choose Your Celebrity Quarantine House: This Is A Hard Choice
It's safe to say we've all wondered how our favorite celebrities are in real, everyday life right? What music they like hear in down time, their favorite candy, or if they really run their social media account. These "Pick your quarantine house" posts have taken over social media and this is by far the best one yet!
Uproxx uploaded their quarantine house choice on Instagram and I have to say this is one of the most balanced house choices I've seen yet! The caliber of celebrities, musicians, actors and more are through the roof. Could you imagine being quarantined in a house with Rihanna, or Beyoncè? What about Keanu Reeves, Seth Rogen, Will Smith, or even Lizzo! Check out the house choices below.
After some time playing out certain scenarios, I think I've chosen my quarantine house. I grew up a huge Eminem fan but house 1 isn't for me. Billie Eilish is very popular right now but I could do without house 2. It all came down to house 3 or house 4. Its going to really hurt to pass up a chance to be quarantined with Rihanna but house 3 is my choice. Beyonce', Will Smith, and Seth Rogen?! I'm sold with just those three!
Which house would you chose?
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