I Got Out to Vote, and Alabama Should Too!
Alabama you got plenty of time to get out and vote. Polls don’t close until 7 pm today.
If you need to find your polling location, click here.
Click here for voter id requirements.
Need information for assistance for voters with disabilities, click here.
I’ve been voting ever since I can remember. I just don’t ever recall not voting. Even as a kid, I would be part of the political process with my parents.
I would also participate in the kid elections at my school. Seriously, you couldn’t tell me that I didn’t vote for the president when I was eight years old.
The Presidential kid election was a big event at my school, and through the whole process, we learned about the entire voting scenario. It was a great lesson; I remember it even forty-some years later.
Voting was a whole thing with my family. We would sit at the dining table and review ballots together. Thumb through the newspaper to get information on candidates. It was hours of prep work before heading to the polls.
Fast forward to 2020; I found myself doing the same thing preparing for the election. Monday night, I went through the ballot, researching, and being confident in my decisions.
Today, I exercised my right to vote in 35405. I had a pleasant experience.
I got in line at 9:41 am with my trusty chair.
And of course, I had my face shield too!
I enjoyed bright blue skies, lots of sunshine, cool temperatures, and friendly conversations.
I was at the front entrance to vote at 10:30 am.
Back in the car with my “I voted” sticker by 10:35 am. Back at my office at 10:45 am with a smile on my face.
In the back of my mind, I knew that both my grandmothers had to fight for their right to vote. Thank the heavens for the 19th Amendment, which was ratified in 1920. However, there were decades of suffrage for minorities to obtain the right to vote. The sad part, it wasn’t that long ago.
As I walked into my polling location, my mind began to drift. I wonder if Cynthia (maternal grandmother) and Marie (paternal grandmother) were heckled when they cast their vote for the first time. Something to think about.
If you need any information about voting. Click here, for Alabama Votes.