The Easiest Way To Potentially Upset a West Alabama Veteran
Have you ever had someone tell you something and you could just feel the insincerity in their voice?
It's even worse when they didn't even take the time to properly understand why they're saying something to you.
Believe it or not, it's easier than you think to be that person on Veterans Day.
It may sound odd, but many people don't know a lot of facts about Veterans Day and it shows.
From how you type it on social media, to the origin of the celebration and its purpose.
I'm sure you want to thank Veterans for their service and honor their sacrifices made for our country, but you don't want to upset them on their day.
Here are a few facts about Veterans Day according to the U.S Department of Defense you should know so you won't upset a Veteran in West Alabama.
Facts To Know About Veterans Day
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