Thief Comes Forward With Missing Tuscaloosa Pub Flag
Recently, a popular Tuscaloosa pub broke the news that sentimental item had been stolen from their establishment.

Loosa Brews took to local media to inform the public that a Delerium flag had been stolen from their establishment after hanging there for six years.
On their social media post, they informed everyone that they have footage of the person which includes photos and wanted to give them a chance to return it before going to the Tuscaloosa Police Department.
"We have photos of you on our security footage, but wanted to grant you the opportunity to return the flag out of the goodness of your own heart."
After a short amount of time, the person has come forward with the stolen item.
"THE FLAG IS BACK!!," Loosa Brews posted on social media.
"We would like to thank the community and the Tuscaloosa Thread for sharing and caring, and thanks to the individual who made the right decision (after making the wrong one!). We appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to continue serving y’all"
We appreciate the recognition from Loosa Brews and we're glad to have helped.
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