Today is “Super Tuesday” in Alabama
Today is “Super Tuesday” in Alabama. I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. There are many questions that people typically have during any type of election including myself. The two most popular, where do I vote? And what do I need to bring to vote?
Where do I vote?
If you need to locate your polling place with Alabama Votes, please click here. You can find your polling place by entering your address or your last name and birthday. And remember that polling stations will be open today from 7 am until 7 pm.
What do I need to bring to vote?
The Alabama Secretary of State’s office has provided a 2020 voter’s guide resource, click here to review the information. On page 6, it reviews the various forms of identification that you may present.
(Source) For more information about Alabama Votes, please click here. For more information on the 2020 Voter’s Guide, please click here.

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