Tuscaloosa Woman Celebrates Her 100th Birthday
As we all welcomed the new year in, we celebrated a new decade as well. Dorothy Henderson was busy bringing in the new year celebrating her 100th birthday! Needless to say, this is a huge milestone in Dorothy's life.
Her actual birthday was January 2nd, but she was celebrated at the Levy this past Sunday as family and friends gathered in her honor, exchanging kind words, gifts and stories.
According to WVUA, Dorothy Henderson does have a secret to living this long. the answer was simple she said. “Living a good life, a holy life for the Lord Jesus Christ, who has kept me through all these years,” she said. “Amen. I want to thank him.”
One day I can only hope to live this long and look this good at 100 years old. Hats off to Dorothy Henderson and everyone who celebrated her this past weekend. Happy belated birthday Dorothy!