UA Officially Over 500 COVID Cases After Second Week of Classes
After the second week of spring classes, The University of Alabama has released its COVID-19 numbers for students, faculty, and staff. Since last week, numbers have climbed.
According to the UA System COVID-19 Dashboard, over half of the cases reported are once again from students of the university. The dashboard shows 393 student cases and 129 faculty and staff cases between the dates of January 17th-January 23rd.
In the second week update of the New Year, student infection rates are up and faculty and staff infection rates are slightly lower since last week’s data release.
With almost 23,000 total vaccines administered by the University of Alabama’s healthcare providers, UA has just 11% of its isolation space in use.
Last week, the UA System COVID-19 Dashboard, reported a total of 22,700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered by UA healthcare providers.
Numbers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham were also included in the update. UAB has a total of 573 COVID-19 cases with 424 being student infections and 149 being faculty and staff.

With the UA System Health & Safety Task Force transitioning to an Advisory Committee, they plan to continually ensure the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff across their three campuses. Those campuses include the University of Alabama, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
The University of Alabama now requires masks regardless of vaccination status, in specified locations:
- Academic buildings, including library and classroom buildings
- Administrative and office buildings (except when distanced)
- Health care facilities, including UMC and SHC
- Campus transportation
- Other areas as officially designated by the University
For more information on COVID-19 numbers at the University of Alabama, visit the UA System COVID-19 Dashboard.
For the latest on the University of Alabama’s COVID-19 policies and updates, click here.
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