Just Poppin’ Off: Dear Christmas Haters, Go Find Some Holiday Joy
Dear Alabama Scrooges,
Please stop hating on the group of us that appreciate the magical season of Christmas, although we are super early. I know we drive you nuts with our holiday cheer. But, please go find some “fa la la” or a cup of hot cocoa.
Seriously, what’s wrong with someone putting up their Christmas tree the day after Halloween? It’s their business. I’ve been known to even keep my tree up until Valentine’s Day. Listen, who am I kidding, I have a tree in my office right now and it’s decorated for the season. Why? Because it makes ME happy!
I can’t believe the amount of Christmas haters there are in 2021. It’s been a hard couple of years on ALL of us. My motto is to let people live in their joy. For me, everything about Christmas makes me happy.
Christmas Haters, go find some holiday joy because you don’t know what you are missing. To be honest, I just recently got back into decorating for the holidays. (Go ahead and grab a tissue, my eyes are getting watery as I write this.)

My Father adored Christmas. Our last Christmas together was in 2013. Growing up, my parents would decorate the home right before Thanksgiving with very modest, yard sales, and hand-me-down items. We would get a live tree and all we could afford was about 4 feet tall. But, my mother dazzled it up and you would have thought it stood 8 feet high.
When I became an adult and my parents would visit the holidays, I would go over the top. I wanted to be sure every inch of the house was in the holiday spirit. I had the “best of everything” attitude. I had a tree in every room.
Regardless of all the new and fancy stuff, there was always going to be one tree that was the “bird” tree. It featured all different types of birds, even ones that my Dad had as a child. My pops would sit there and stare at the “bird” tree and tell stories.
When my Dad passed away, a little bit of my happy place of Christmas died too. It was our time together.
I didn’t put up another Christmas tree until 2018.
So when you see me and other sharing on Facebook our excitement about Christmas. Don’t be so hard on us. You don’t know the road some of us have traveled to get back into the spirit of the season.
Be kind, it only takes 30 seconds.
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads
LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born
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