Tuscaloosa Program to Boost Children’s Reading Urgently Needs Volunteers
Reading Allies Tuscaloosa, a program created to help children read at their grade level, is set to resume next week and volunteers are urgently needed to help accomplish their mission.

Volunteers with the program are deployed within the Tuscaloosa City and Tuscaloosa County school districts to get classes of students at or above the recommended reading level for their grade.
Reading Allies, a program within the Tuscaloosa Education Foundation, will partner with eight Tuscaloosa City schools and four Tuscaloosa County schools this year. Volunteers will work one-on-one with students to assist with reading efforts.
According to data released in July, around 75 percent of TCS and TCSS 3rd graders are reading at grade level -- improvement in recent years, but leaders are striving to get that number to 100 percent and work the Reading Allies volunteers out of a job.
Community members who are interested in assisting the organization's efforts are asked to visit www.readingallies.org to sign up to volunteer.
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