Free Nike Products At This Tuscaloosa, Alabama Men’s Health Event
This weekend is sure to be an exciting one. It's Bama's first home game of the season and there's a free men's health event happening too!
Men's health is something that's not widely discussed among other men. I know from experience when it comes to our health, we just go with the flow and wait for our spouses to bring it up. We can't continue to live this way and Tuscaloosa's One Place is helping to start the conversation and offer resources on men's health.
Saturday, September 11th, AmeriCorps and Tuscaloosa's One Place will host a free men's health giveaway at 810 27th Avenue, in Downtown Tuscaloosa. The giveaway will begin at noon and will include bags with health information, hygiene kits, and Nike products. Bags will feature a Nike jacket, shirt, or shoes. You can't beat that!
All items are available on a first-come basis so I woun't be late if I were you. To receive a bag, you must be present at the giveaway and you do not have to have your ID.

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