People Are In The Holiday Spirit A Lot Sooner This Year
People Are In The Holiday Spirit A Lot Sooner This Year
The temperature is dropping, & Christmas trees are going up already. Is it just me, or are we in the holiday spirit a little early this year?
I'm completely fine with being wrong on this one, but it seems like this year people are in the holiday spirit very early. I remember back in October there was talk amongst my social media timeline about Christmas. This was happening even BEFORE Halloween came.
Now that we're moving through the month of November, it feels like EVERYONE is already thinking of Christmas. It's not that they're skipping Thanksgiving, but the focus is definitely already on Christmas. Trees are everywhere, decorations and I've even seen people out shopping for Christmas gifts.
I'm not against it at all. I honestly think that after the year we've all had, we NEED some holiday spirit in our lives. We just need some good, genuine love from family, friends, and strangers alike. It's safe to say that people go through things every year, but 2020 has been something different for us all. Lots of stress, changing plans on the fly, unexpected deaths, and so many more things made this year a rough one.
I've decided to come up with a list of why we need the joy of the holiday spirit and Christmas cheer. Check it out below!
Reasons Why We All Could Use Some Holiday Cheer
If there was anything I left off the list, feel free to let me know on Instagram @BigDawgDreDay.

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