What I Learned After The First Round Of Severe Weather In Alabama

All week long, we've been making sure our listeners were prepared and aware of potential severe weather happening today. After the first round, here's what I learned.

It's officially been a full decade since Tuscaloosa's deadliest tornado ripped through the city. I wasn't living here back in 2011, but I learn something new about that tragic day almost weekly. The last thing we'd want is for anyone to be unprepared if a situation similar to that day was to happen.

At Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa, we have a dedicated team working hard to keep listeners informed on not just news around west Alabama, but severe weather as well. whenever there is a threat or a possible threat, the team is working hard to gather accurate information and let our listeners know what's going on.

Since Monday, the team has been working on getting the word out about severe weather, and today, it happened. After Tornado warnings, Tornado watches, and severe weather advisories, we can say that the first round of storms has passed. Now isn't the time to relax. More is said to be on the way and we want you to be ready.

As a member of the TSM Tuscaloosa team and new Alabamian, I've learned so much dealing with these severe weather threats. I can only imagine how many other people are new to the city and are learning as well, or just need a refresher.

Here are the lessons I learned from this first round of storms.

  1. James Spann Is the man. Duhhhh! when he rolls up those sleeves, get ready! It's about to get real.

  2. A Tornado Watch basically means the ingredients for a tornado are there. Potentially, it could happen. 

  3. A Tornado Warning means one has been spotted or picked up on a radar

  4. Helmets: I didn't know people used helmets for weather safety. It makes a lot of sense! 

  5. I learned what the infamous "Polygon" is about. I never knew this living in Florida. Click here for a detailed explanation of the Polygon. 


As we get ready for the second round of storms, make sure you're prepared and staying alert by signing up for weather updates on our free station app!


<em><strong>Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa's Operation Storm Watch is brought to you by <a href="https://stormshelter.com/">Safe-T Shelter</a>. Visit their website <a href="https://www.stormshelter.com">here </a>to see their selection of residential and commercial safe rooms and storm shelters. To contact a Safe-T Shelter representative, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/safetshelter">click here</a> to visit their Facebook page. </strong></em>

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If a tornado warning is issued in our area, Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa Operation Storm Watch will provide you with live and local team coverage, including wall-to-wall weather with James Spann.
To view the latest weather updates and information, <a href="/latest/">click here.</a>

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