The United Way of West Alabama is a great organization. They believe that “when you LIVE UNITED, each of YOU can be the spark that fuels lasting change for the better in our West Alabama communities.” I love the part about change for the better.

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The United Way of West Alabama's mission is to strengthen “education, income stability, and health in our communities by developing resources and partnerships.” They need your help to celebrate their “75th Anniversary with a donation to United Way! The one-day giving event takes place on March 16th which happens to be the 75th day of 2021. The United Way of West Alabama encourages you to donate your 75. Suggested amounts could be $75, $25.75, etc.

That’s right; you can honor the United Way of West Alabama and its 75 years of service. It is awesome that they picked the 75th day of 2021 to coordinate with their 75th Anniversary. Consider donating during their one-day giving event. Your contribution helps The United Way of West Alabama support local partner agencies which provide necessary services in West Alabama.

Donations to The United Way of West Alabama help in so many areas. Here are a few examples: “$10 could provide 30 minutes of respite care to a caregiver/family member caring for a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor” at the Alabama Head Injury Foundation. At The Arc Tuscaloosa County, “$10 would pay for 10 round trips on The Tuscaloosa Trolley system to provide transportation for prevocational training and employment.” At the Child Abuse Prevention Services of Tuscaloosa, “$10 can buy crib sheets for parents in the Nurturing Baby/ Safe Sleep program.” Your $10 at the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America – West Alabama Chapter would provide a "two-month supply of antibiotics to an infant with Sickle Cell disease."

Be sure to help out the United Way of West Alabama. Click here to get more information about the one-day giving event.

LOOK: Milestones in women's history from the year you were born

Women have left marks on everything from entertainment and music to space exploration, athletics, and technology. Each passing year and new milestone makes it clear both how recent this history-making is in relation to the rest of the country, as well as how far we still need to go. The resulting timeline shows that women are constantly making history worthy of best-selling biographies and classroom textbooks; someone just needs to write about them.

Scroll through to find out when women in the U.S. and around the world won rights, the names of women who shattered the glass ceiling, and which country's women banded together to end a civil war.

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